Author Guideline
JCEAC (Journal of Computer Engineering in Application and Concept) is a peer-reviewed journal on Computer and Engineering by Informatics department Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Research articles dealing with computer and engineering are particularly welcome.
All papers submitted to the journal should be written in good English or Indonesia. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. The author must refer to JCEAC (Journal of Computer Engineering in Application and Concept) for writing format and style. Please download and use as template for initial manuscript submission. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors will not be processed.
General Author Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted to JCEAC by Online Submission at E-Journal portal address:, where author register as Author by online. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:
Manuscript Template
Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the pdf article template: Format DOC download Format PDF download
Revision of manuscripts
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the Online Submission Interface (
Editorial Office
All correspondences should be sent to the following Editorial Office:
Fenty Eka Muzzayana Agustin (Managing Editor)
Editorial Office of JCEAC (Journal of Computer Engineering in Application and Concept)
Informatic Engineering Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta,
Jl Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, South Tangerang,
Banten, Indonesia -15412-,
Pedoman Penulisan Paper
JCEAC (Journal of Computer Engineering in Applications and Concepts) adalah jurnal peer-review yang berada di bawah naungan Prodi Teknik Informatika UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Artikel penelitian yang berhubungan dengan komputer, teknik baik dari sisi aplikasi dan konsep dapat disubmit ke jurnal JCEAC.
Semua naskah yang diajukan harus ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia yang baik serta menggunakan format paper JCEAC. Naskah yang dikirim ke JCEAC tidak boleh dipublikasikan atau dikirimkan ke tempat lain. Naskah yang tidak memenuhi pedoman penulisan tidak akan diproses.
Pedoman umum
Semua naskah harus di-submit ke JCEAC secara online ke E-Journal (alamat Portal: Jika penulis memiliki masalah pada pendaftaran online, silakan hubungi Kantor Redaksi di email berikut:
Format naskah
Naskah harus disiapkan sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan. Pedoman penulisan dapat diunduh pada link berikut: Format DOC download Format PDF download
Revisi naskah
Naskah yang dikembalikan ke penulis untuk direvisi harus segera dikirimkan kembali kepada editor. Naskah revisi dapat dikirim ke kantor redaksi melalui online Submission (
Kantor Editorial
Fenty Eka Muzzayana Agustin (Managing Editor)
Kantor Editorial JCEAC (Journal of Computer Engineering in Application and Concept)
Prodi Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Jl Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan,
Banten, Indonesia -15412-